Geeky Pete

Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything. -Kurt Vonnegut

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Location: Lakenheath, United Kingdom

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's In London

Well I was fortunate enough to spend my New Years in London next to Big Ben and the London Eye with some of my friends from work! We rode buses to London and took the tube up to the London Eye so we could find a place to watch the fireworks. Unfortunately about 1 million people (No Kidding Either!) had the same idea. By the end of the evening there where so many people in London we were literally body to body for about 15 square miles. However there was a very posh luxury boat that floated right under the fireworks, and for the right amount of pounds we were able to board, and rather be packed in with everyone on the streets, we were sitting with some of Londons wealthiest on a fancy boat with open bar and tasty food on the deck of the Talhamn Castle Boat! What could be cooler? Well how about the greatest fireworks show I have ever seen in my entire life!!!!!!!! The fireworks were shot off from boats on the river and from the London Eye itself! It was insane! So Insane I can't describe it , but I managed to make a video of the fireworks which I will mail out to my family members! I also have one of the countdown. The videos are a little erratic because I was hopping all over the place, but still pretty cool. We toasted at 12:00 when Big Ben was ding-donging and then the fireworks started. The grand-finale was so tremendous and we were so close that the vibrations actually made my stomach hurt! It was crazy!! After that though, we had to descend into the croud of about 2 Million brits, americans, germans, french, and every other nationality on earth. it was pretty scary, especially since the British Police closed off of all of the tube stations due to congestion, and we only had about an hour and a half to make it back to our buses through a crowd of 2 million on foot across 6 miles. Lets just say Im glad im in good shape! Those Brits really love to fight though, you should have seen it, they went crazy, fighting each other, climbing onto phone booths and bus-stops. It was a complete riot! Fortunately we made it back to the buses ok, and Alex's wife was the only one who was pick-pocketed; she had her cell phone stolen. I had all my valuable strapped to my leg. Overall though a great experience, im just glad I got on the boat rather than stay on the streets. Next year we will probably do the same thing, but instead of going back to the bus were going to get a posh hotel next to Big Ben and crash there after the night. I have posted some cool pics, but it was dark so it was hard to get really good photos. I will get better ones when we go back to London in the daylight. I did see both buildings V blew up in V for Vendetta, the Old Bailey and Parliament, although they did not happen to suffer destruction while I was there. Well enjoy the pics, and Im going to try to compress the videos and post them soon, Adios!



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